The Digital Agency Framework
The Digital Agency* Framework offers a foundation by evaluating the three core areas of competence, confidence and accountability. In this way, it gives a more holistic picture of proactive technology use in the classroom setting. It can be used to determine strengths and weaknesses and develop professional learning programs. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on education, we are working on empowering educators to help with the transition to a new paradigm. From the framework we are aiming at developing personas for teachers and they can work towards building their skills by following a personalised path. We will then develop an accredited micro-credentials program allowing achievable goals to be documented and certified with Blockchain technology.
* Digital Agency is a concept originally based on the work of Pelgrum 2001; Berner 2003; Judge 2013; McLeod and Carabott 2016 in Passey, D., Shonfeld, M., Appleby, L. et al. Digital Agency: Empowering Equity in and through Education. Tech Know Learn 23, 425–439 (2018).